One of the most joyful releases this year must be the new album by errant talent Gil Scott-Heron, “I’m New Here”. You might remember his awesome ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’ – a precursor to contemporary Rap – from back in the day. GSH’s life has gone somewhat off the rails in the last decade, however he did manage to play a killer show at the Metro 4 or 5 years back that I was lucky to see. A UK producer and fan sought GSH out at Rikers Island Penitentary where he was serving time for drug and bail violations. As soon as Gill was on the outside he recorded this album. A mix of spoken word, rap, and gentle ballad, this really hits the blue introspective coffee and cigarettes spot. A triumph of genuine talent and a redemption of sorts.
Also catching up on the Tame Impala’s low fi psychedelia in lieu of their impending album. Not a bad band at all, the singer sounding a little Lennon-ish but that’s a good thing. And it behoves me to mention, I am in the middle of recording the next Wheeze & Suck release, ‘Wheeze&Onion’ at Sandcastle Studios in Sydney. All killer, no filler – don’t miss it.
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